After upgrading from to (latest) i cant save the SEO & URLs page (to recreate .htaccess), i always get this errors:
Keyword “{id}” required for route “xipblog-archive-wid-module” (rule: “blog/category/{rewrite}.html”)
Keyword “{id}” required for route “xipblog-tag-wid-module” (rule: “blog/tag/{rewrite}.html”)
Keyword “{id}” required for route “xipblog-single-wid-module” (rule: “blog/post/{rewrite}.html”)
See atached screenshoot’s.
Any ideas how to solve this?
Ok i think i found the solution.
And yes is an theme error/bug/feature.
What i did:
Went to www.domain.commodulesxipblog (our theme blog module).
Edited xipblog.php.
For example i searched for xipblog-single-wid-module.
and in that array i changed:
‘rule’ =>$main_slug.’/’.$single_slug.’/{rewrite}’.$postfix_slug,
‘rule’ =>$main_slug.’/’.$single_slug.’/{id}-{rewrite}’.$postfix_slug,
No more errors on SEO & URLs page and it get saved ok.
Thanks to all for helping. Thanks @khouloudbelguith , thanks @rdy4ever
If anyone nedds more info don’t hesitate to contact me.
Can be marked as solved.